The smallest of the inhabited islands in the archipelago, though is mostly uninhabited, Comino is a truly stupendous location, with some of the clearest blue seas in the world, as well as fortifications from the early 17th century!

One of the main attractions is the stunning Blue Lagoon, which boasts of white sand with striking turquoise water.
he water in this bay is so clear, that people are often mesmerised by the island’s scenery. What can be agreed by most people is that the images did not do the bay justice! Besides Blue Lagoon, the whole island of Comino is basically all swimming zones. Some of the popular alternatives include Santa Marija Bay and San Niklaw Bay, which offer a different bathing experience to the Blue Lagoon, however, just as stunning, and potentially a bit quieter.

Day trips can only be done by boat, so one must choose between getting the ferry that will drop you off in the vicinity of the Blue Lagoon or choosing to spend a day on one of the majestic wooden sailing boats.

The island is considered a diver’s paradise, as there are 12 recognised diving sites around Comino. All of these dive sites are boat dives, meaning that in order to get to them, a boat would need to be hired, or an excursion organised.

Comino offers plenty of interesting land activities to accompany its majestic seas. Whether one wants to visit a 17th-century tower built by the Knights of St. John or hike around the open grounds, breathing in the smell of sea salt mixed with wild thyme, one has an abundance of choices.